Mind Body Bootcamp:
Back to School Edition
Welcome to Mind-body Boot Camp: Back to School Edition!
This is where you'll find the replays, resources, and bonus materials.
Here are some topics you’ll learn:
How you can use your body’s fight or flight response to your advantage, so you can stay calm in the morning rush
How to recharge your energy when you’re drained so you don't end up stress eating
How to change your mindset so that nothing gets under your skin
How to wind down your day so you don’t end up tossing and turning at night, worrying about tomorrow’s list
We know September can be stressful, and we can't wait to get through it TOGETHER!
Want to invite a friend? Please have them register here:
Session 1: Manage the Morning Rush
August 19, 2021
8pm EST
Now that school’s starting, the early morning wakeup can mean less sleep, more stress, yelling at the kids to catch the bus, getting frustrated and losing your temper.
Learn to cope with that chaos so it doesn't get under your skin, so that you can get through that morning dash without losing your cool.
Session 2: Surviving Bedtime
August 24, 2021
8pm EST
After a full day of work, an evening of homework, dinner, and chores, and fighting over bedtime, we're often left wired and tired.
Here we'll discuss three ways to help you recharge and wind down at the end of that crazy day, so you can get the good quality sleep you need to restore your energy.
Click here to access the replay.
Session 3: Calming the Critic
August 27, 2021
12pm EST
When everything seems to go wrong, it can make you feel like a failure and really ruin your day.
In our final session, you'll discover how to change your brain, calm your critic, and overcome judgment so it doesn’t drag you down.
Click here to access the replay.